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《中英對照讀新聞》’Slave Bible’ on display at Museum of the Bible 「奴隸聖經」在聖經博物館展出

2019/05/29 05:30



Although the Bible is filled with scriptures of freedom and Jesus preached in Luke 4:8 that He came to "set the captives free," the holy book was once altered to convey the exact opposite message as a way to enforce slavery.


The controversial "Slave Bible," published in 1807 in London, is currently on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., and while it looks like any other Bible on the outside, its pages are meant to push an inhumane agenda by selectively removing almost 90 percent of the Old Testament and 50 percent of the New Testament.


What can be found in the book are passages such as Ephesians 6:5, which reads, "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ."


The purpose of the exhibit, in the words Museum of the Bible President Ken McKenzie, is to "pass the message on: may this never happen again. The Bible itself is a whole book. It’s not one to carve up and use this piece or that piece."



enforce:動詞,實施、迫使。例句:Illness enforced me to remain idle.(生病迫使我終日無所事事。)

pass on:片語,傳遞、轉移。例句:I have passed on the message.(我已傳遞該訊息。)

carve up:片語,瓜分、分割。例如:carve up the world market(瓜分世界市場)。


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