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《中英對照讀新聞》Japan lawmaker slammed for calling childless people selfish 日本議員因稱無子女者自私而挨轟

2018/09/28 06:00



A leader of Japan’s ruling party has sparked uproar by calling people without children selfish, in the latest in a series of comments by senior politicians urging women to have more babies.


Toshihiro Nikai, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, said Tuesday that recent generations think they’re better off without children. He contrasted them with older people who had large families despite the devastation of World War II.


"Before, during and after the war, nobody said it’s better not have children because it would be too much trouble. Today, people have a selfish idea that they are better off without having children," Nikai said. "In order for everyone to pursue happiness, we should have(women)bear many children, so our country will prosper and develop."



be better off:慣用語,情況較好。例句:British Prime Minister Theresa May today repeatedly refused to say whether she believes Britain will be better off after Brexit.(英國首相德蕾莎.梅伊今天不斷拒絕表示她是否相信英國脫離歐盟後會比較好。)

contrast(someone or something)with(someone or something):慣用語,與…形成對比。例句:There is no safe level of alcohol consumption, a global study has concluded. The findings contrast with most health guidelines, which say that moderate drinking - about one drink a day for women and two for men - is safe.(一項全球研究推斷,酒精攝取沒有安全值。此等發現與絕大部分認為適度飲酒—女性1天1杯與男性1天2杯—是安全的衛生指導方針,形成對比。)


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