中英對照讀新聞》Singapore’s clandestine cats can soon legally call the city-state home 在新加坡偷偷生存的貓咪 很快就能在這個城邦國家合法居住

Sunny prides herself on being a law-abiding Singaporean citizen, but for the last three years, she’s been hiding a feline fugitive called Mooncake.
The fluffy ragdoll lives with Sunny in defiance of a 34-year-old law banning cats in the government-built apartments that house the vast majority of Singaporeans.
Luckily for Mooncake, Singapore plans to scrap the ban later this year, freeing Sunny from the threat of a S$4,000 fine or her pet’s potential eviction.
"Cats are so much quieter than dogs. If they allow dogs, I don’t understand why not cats," said 30-year-old Sunny.
Authorities rarely enforce the ban, which only applies to the high-rise Housing and Development Board (HDB) apartment blocks where 80% of 3.6 million Singaporeans live, and it has long been flouted by countless cat lovers.(Reuters)
fugitive:名詞,逃犯、難民。例句:Countless fugitives are fleeing from the tsunami-torn town.(無數難民正逃離被海嘯蹂躪的小鎮。)
flout:動詞,蔑視、無視、違背。例句:Many drivers and motorcyclists flout the law by not using the turn signal.(很多駕駛和騎士無視法律,不打方向燈。)