《中英對照讀新聞》Smart people more likely to fail driving test 聰明人考駕照更可能失敗
The brighter you are, the less likely you are to pass your driving test first time, a new study concludes. By contrast, motorists with fewer academic qualifications are more likely to pass first time.
Insurers Privilege DriveXpert conducted the analysis of 1,564 people with a full UK driving licence and found that 59 percent of those with no qualifications passed first time. People who had undergraduate degrees had a first time pass rate of 48 percent.
保險公司Privilege DriveXpert對英國擁有完整駕照的1564人進行分析,發現59%沒有學歷資格的人首次即通過考試;擁有大學學歷者首次通過率則為48%。
Interestingly, people who studied maths and science needed more attempts to get their licence than those more arts and culture inclined. Experts suspect motorists with more academic minds may over-think the challenge they face.
Dr Lee Hadlington, senior lecturer in Psychology at De Montfort University said: ’Those who don’t have formal academic qualifications could rely more heavily on procedural skills like motor control and hand-eye co-ordination, hence may be better suited to activities like passing a driving test.’
motorist:名詞,駕(乘)汽車者。例句:The policeman ordered the motorist to stop.(警察命令駕駛停車。)
insurer:名詞:保險公司,保險業者。例句:Please contact your insurer if you have any questions.(如果你有任何問題,請與保險公司聯絡。)
procedural:形容詞,程序的。例句:The idea of procedural justice is especially influential in the law.(程序正義的概念在該法律上特具影響力。)
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