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《中英對照讀新聞》Russian TV offers gay people one-way tickets 俄羅斯電視台提供同志單程機票

2017/07/18 06:00


◎ 陳正健

A Russian TV channel has offered free one-way tickets out of the country for gay "perverts". The channel regularly uses offensive terms to refer to LGBT people.


Tsargrad TV, a satellite channel promoting Christian Orthodox values, calls on Russian homosexuals to compete for one-way plane tickets to America. "If you are gay and wish to leave Russia, our channel will with great pleasure buy you a one-way ticket." said TV host Andrei Afanasyev.


"Just recently, California - the most liberal state in the USA - proposed to facilitate the granting of green cards to Russian perverts," said Afanasyev. "The staff of Tsargrad TV support this initiative. Moreover, we can provide a medical certificate proving that they are sodomites or have other forms of perversion."


Tsargrad frequently criticizes Western countries for "low morals". Its founder, Konstantin Malofeev is a prominent businessman who vocally supports President Vladimir Putin.



pervert:名詞,變態,反常者。例句:Those perverts were trying to spy on us while we changed clothes.(那些變態試圖在我們更衣時窺視我們。)

Orthodox:名詞,東正教(字首需大寫)。例句:Belarus is an Orthodox-majority country in Eastern Europe.(白俄羅斯是以東正教為主的東歐國家。)

sodomite:名詞,雞姦者,獸姦者。例句:Sodomite is a word used to describe gay men.(雞姦者一字用來形容男同性戀。)

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