《中英對照讀新聞》Japan, Short on Babies, Reaches a Worrisome Milestone-日本少子化來到令人憂心的里程碑

Since Japan began counting its newborns more than a century ago, more than a million infants have been added to its population each year.
No longer, in the latest discomforting milestone for a country facing a steep population decline. Last year, the number of births in Japan dropped below one million for the first time, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said on Friday.
The shrinking of the country’s population - deaths have outpaced births for several years - is already affecting the economy in areas including the job and housing markets, consumer spending and long-term investment plans at businesses.
After Japan’s population hit a peak of 128 million at the start of the current decade, it shrank by close to a million in the five years through 2015, according to census data. Demographers expect it to plunge by a third by 2060, to as few as 80 million people - a net loss of a million a year, on average.
short on something:慣用語,缺少某物;類似用法,long on something,以…見長。例句:His novels are long for entertainment but short on depth.(他的小說極具娛樂性,但缺乏深度。)
add to something:慣用語,添加。例句:The increase in fuel prices will add to the cost of living in the city. (油價上漲將增加都市生活開銷。)