《中英對照讀新聞》Obese man who shed half his body weight speaks out after suicide bid-胖男自殺未遂減掉一半體重後鼓舞旁人
諾亞在「臉書」上分享減肥過程的前後對比照片。(圖擷取自Noah Kingery臉書)
After losing a loved one, Noah Kingery, 29, from California, spiraled into a circle of depression and bingeing on fast-food and alcohol to gain 95kg in a year.
"I could not see life worth living," Noah said. "The loss of love led to depression and I walked away from my passions, just giving up on life."
Reaching rock-bottom, Noah attempted suicide in his flat in Los Angeles but was interrupted by a phone call. Waking the next day and believing that his life had been spared, he decided to transform his lifestyle.
By giving up fatty foods, alcohol and dedicating himself to the gym, Noah lost 86kg in 18 months. He went from an obese 159kg to 73kg.
Sharing side-by-side images of his transformation on Facebook, Noah hopes to inspire those who are currently struggling with mental illness.
speak out:動詞片語,大聲說。例句:The Hollywood star spoke out to bring attention to environmental crises.(這位好萊塢明星大聲疾呼,希望大家注意環境危機。)
binge:動詞,盡情享用。例句:Leslie always binges on fried chicken whenever he is upset.(萊斯利心情不好時,總會狂吃炸雞。)
rock-bottom:名詞,最低點。例句:The team’s morale has hit rock-bottom after losing the crucial game.(輸掉關鍵比賽後,團隊的士氣跌至谷底。)
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