《中英對照讀新聞》20-year-old goldfish makes full recovery after life-saving surgery 20歲的金魚接受救命手術後完全康復
A 20-year-old goldfish, Bob, had been struggling to swim in his tank for a number of weeks after developing the lump on its fin, so the family took him to their local veterinarian and paid £200 to remove the lump. The operation lasted 30 minutes and it was so successful.
The vet said, he is doing brilliantly. They(the family)were really, really pleased because the goldfish is older than their children and considered part of the family.
To keep Bob alive during the operation, the vet fed anesthetic water into its mouth through a tube and used a tiny monitor to measure its heartbeat. She then cut out the tumor using a miniature pair of scissors and forceps.
"It’s pretty complicated because the organs of the fish are so small and they don’t have a massive volume of blood," she added.
The average lifespan of a goldfish kept in a tank is 5 to 10 years, with the vet confirming Bob was the oldest one she had ever operated on.
lump:名詞,隆起;腫塊。例句:I was hit by a volleyball and got a lump on my head.(我被排球砸到,頭上腫了一包。)
veterinarian:名詞,獸醫。例句:She has set up a goal to become a veterinarian.(她立定志向,將來要成為獸醫。)
miniature:形容詞,微型的;小型的。例句:We have prepared miniature dresses for the dolls.(我們幫娃娃準備了迷你洋裝。)
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