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    《中英對照讀新聞》The U.S. Leads the World in Number of Climate Change Court Cases 美國的氣候變遷訴訟案數量領先全球



    2017/06/05 06:00


    The battle against climate change is increasingly moving into the courtroom, a study released May 23 found. Individuals and groups around the world are suing their federal governments (but especially the United States) to take action on climate change.


    The study, published by the United Nations Environment and the Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center, surveyed litigation surrounding climate change. The United States sees three times the number of cases as the rest of the world combined. Since 2014, the number of countries with climate change cases has tripled.


    "Similar litigation all over the world will continue to push governments and corporations to address the most pressing environmental challenge of our times." said Michael Burger, executive director of the Sabin Center, in a press release.


    These lawsuits often follow emerging trends, such as human rights cases on climate refugees as a result of forced migration and displacement.


    "By 2050 climate change could, according to some estimates, displace up to 1 billion people and that number could soar still higher later in the century if global warming is not kept under 2 degrees Celsius this century (compared to pre-industrial levels)," according to the press release.



    climate change:名詞,氣候變遷。例句:The danger from climate change is urgent and severe.(氣候變遷帶來的危險迫切且嚴重。)

    litigation:名詞,訴訟。例句:Litigation often entails enormous expense.(訴訟往往意味著巨額花費。)

    refugee:名詞,難民。例句:A large fund is needed when accept the refugee.(收容難民時需要大量資金。)

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