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《中英對照讀新聞》Cocaine on 94 percent of Spanish banknotes西班牙94%的鈔票上有古柯鹼

2007/01/05 06:00


Traces of cocaine can be found on 94 percent of banknotes in Spain, a country that has one of the world’s highest rates of users, according to a study published recently.


The 100 notes tested were collected in gyms, supermarkets and pharmacies across Spain, where increased affluence and falling street prices have made the drug more and more accessible.


Cocaine now sells for as little as 60 euros a gram, or 5 euros a line, and it is regularly used by 1.6 percent of Spaniards, up from 0.9 percent in 1999.

古柯鹼現在的售價每公克只要60歐元,或單次用量5歐元,西班牙有1.6 %的人口有吸食古柯鹼的習慣,較1999年的0.9%升高不少。

Law enforcement agencies say cocaine is getting cheaper and more popular in Europe because of efforts to boost production by Colombian paramilitaries and rebels who need money for weapons. Spain is a major entry point to Europe for the smugglers.


It was not clear how many of the notes had been used to snort cocaine and how many had picked up traces from other bills.



banknotes:(中央銀行發行的)鈔票,notes亦可指紙鈔,如︰He sent me four fifty-dollar notes.(他寄給我4張50元鈔票。)

trace:名詞,指痕跡、微量,如︰There was barely a trace of salt in the soup.(湯裡簡直一點鹽也沒放。)或The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area.(考古學家在當地發現一些古代文明遺跡。)

boost:動詞,原指舉起、抬起,如︰Boost me into the saddle.(抬我一把,讓我跨上馬鞍。)文中引申指提高、增加。例句︰The company boosted its sales this year.(這家公司今年增加了銷售量。)

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