《中英對照讀新聞》Why protesters are sending books to the White House 抗議人士為何要寄書到白宮
(圖擷自「Bury the White House in Books on Valentine's Day」臉書活動)
Getting a book as a Valentine’s Day gift would usually be sweet, but it’s probably not if you’re the Commander in Chief and the book was sent to poke fun at your reading habits.
A group of activists have decided to share their love of reading by inundating the White House with books for Valentine’s Day.
The Facebook event "Bury the White House in Books on Valentine’s Day" was started by a pair of writers and educators who are also behind the group "Readers are Leaders."
The idea sounds simple: Select a book you think the President should read, write an inscription, and send it off to the White House.
Almost 1,000 people have expressed interest in the event, and participants, whether actual or wishful, are having a ball sharing their ideas on the event’s page.
poke fun at somebody:慣用語,奚落,取笑某人。例句:Late night comedy shows often poke fun at politicians.(深夜喜劇節目常常拿政治人物開玩笑。)
send something off:慣用語,郵寄信、文件或包裹。
have a ball:慣用語,玩得盡興,盡情狂歡。例句:Party host: Do you enjoy yourself here? Guest: I am having a ball. (派對主辦人:玩得盡興嗎?賓客:盡興極了。)
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