《中英對照讀新聞》World’s Oldest Plant-Like Fossils Discovered in India-全球最古老的植物化石在印度被發現
Swedish scientists have uncovered 1.6 billion-year-old fossils that indicate multi-cellular life developed much earlier than previously thought - possibly 400 million years earlier.
Therese Sallstedt of the Department of Palaeobiology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History was examining fossilized, layered mats of cyanobacteria collected in an ancient rock outcrop in central India when she came across what appear to be primitive algae fossils.
Cyanobacteria are basic, single-cell life forms that have existed for nearly 3.5 billion years and are among the oldest fossils known.
The newly-discovered algae, by comparison, lived approximately 1.2 billion years before the first plants are thought to have appeared on land.
outcrop:名詞,指露頭,在野外岩石露出於地表的部分;動詞,指露出地面、出現。例句:Every rock outcrop shows numberless joints.(所有岩石的露頭都出現許多節理。)
come across:介係詞片語,指發現、遇見。例句:I have come across a curious rock.(我發現一種奇特的岩石。)
algae:名詞,指海藻、藻類。例句:Algae spread quickly in the lake.(藻類在湖中迅速蔓延。)