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《中英對照讀新聞》Company offers employees ’unsick’ days so they can visit the doctor-公司提供「無病」假讓員工看醫生

2017/03/13 06:00

Zocdoc 決定提供自家員工「無病」假,讓大家可以利用假期去做健康檢查。他們希望員工照顧好自己的健康。(取自Zocdoc官網)


A survey conducted by Zocdoc, a U.S. medical appointment scheduling service, showed that 60 percent of workers feel uncomfortable leaving work for check-ups.


After that, Zocdoc itself decided to offer its employees "unsick" days so they can make use of the time to receive health examination. They hope its workers to take care of their health.


Firms including Foursquare, Greatist and Virgin Hotels decided to offer employees unsick days in 2017. Higher-ups said they were willing to take up the gauntlet, promising to lead by example.


"We often neglect our health when we’re well. But with seven in 10 US deaths related to preventable diseases, empowering Americans to utilize preventive care services is critical," said Dr. Georges Benjamin, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association.


The majority of adults in the US receive health insurance from their employers as well as preventative care services under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. However, three quarters of adults do not use these benefits.



take up the gauntlet:慣用片語,接受挑戰。例句:The champion was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the rising star. (冠軍選手迅速接受後起之秀的挑戰。)

higher-up:名詞,上級;大人物。例句:All of the attendees at the meeting were higher-ups from various companies. (出席會議的都是各家公司的高層人士。)

empower:動詞,授權;使能夠。例句:The congressman empowered his assistant to participate in the forum. (國會議員授權助理代表參加座談會。)

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