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《中英對照讀新聞》Suppressing free press is ’how dictators get started’: Senator McCain (美國)參議員麥肯:壓制新聞自由是「獨裁者的起手式」

2017/03/01 06:00



Senator John McCain warned that suppressing the free press was "how dictators get started". The Arizona Republican, a frequent critic of President Donald Trump, was responding to a tweet in which Trump accused the media of being "the enemy of the American people".


The international order established after World War Two was built in part on a free press, McCain said in an excerpt of an interview with NBC’s "Meet the Press".


"I hate the press. I hate you especially," he told interviewer Chuck Todd. "But the fact is we need you. We need a free press. We must have it. It’s vital."


"If you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press. And without it, I am afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That’s how dictators get started," he continued.


"They get started by suppressing free press. In other words, a consolidation of power. When you look at history, the first thing that dictators do is shut down the press. And I’m not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I’m just saying we need to learn the lessons of history," McCain said.



suppress:壓制、抑制。例句:She was struggling to suppress her laughs.(她拚命不讓自己笑出來。)

adversarial:敵手的、對抗的。 例句:Concerning this issue, she has taken an adversarial stance with me.(關於這項議題,她與我立場相左。)

consolidation:鞏固、加強。例如,the consolidation of political power(政權的鞏固)

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