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《中英對照讀新聞》Global scholars gather to celebrate 1650th anniversary of Mogao Grottoes 世界學者齊聚慶祝莫高窟1650週年

2016/08/22 06:00


Over 150 scholars and researchers on Saturday attended a seminar in northwest China’s Dunhuang City to commemorate the 1650th anniversary of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang.


The attendees from more than 10 countries and regions including China, France, Germany, Japan and Iran will discuss archaeological findings, studies of Dunhuang documents, grotto art, and the role of Dunhuang in the history of Silk Road.


The Mogao Grottoes are home to a huge collection of Buddhist artworks - more than 2,000 colored sculptures and 45,000 square meters of frescoes - in 735 caves carved along a cliff by ancient worshippers.


The first cave was excavated by a monk called Master Yue Zun in A.D. 366. After over 1,000 years of construction, the Mogao Grottoes has become a Buddhist pilgrimage and was China’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site, inscribed in 1987.


Using its expertise and technology in preserving ancient frescoes, the academy has also been repairing frescoes in other parts of China, including Xinjiang and Tibet.



grotto:名詞,洞穴。例句:Jeita Grotto is unquestionably one of Lebanon’s most captivating natural treasures.(傑達溶洞無疑是黎巴嫩最令人著迷的天然寶藏之一。)

commemorate:動詞,紀念。例句:A protester has put a plaque outside Boris Johnson’s house to commemorate his ’destruction’.(抗議人士在強生宅邸外立匾,紀念他任內的「破壞」。)

excavate:動詞,發掘、開鑿。例句:The professor led a team of more than 45 people who helped excavate the dinosaur fossils over the course this summer. (教授領導的逾45人團隊,今夏參與恐龍化石發掘工作。)

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