《中英對照讀新聞》Bottoms up! Man leaves clothes in pub as he goes to get cash 乎乾啦!男子脫光衣服留酒吧,外出找錢
A drinker who could not pay his bar bill left his clothes at the pub as collateral as he headed off naked to get cash, Czech police said.
The man walked through the town of Prerov in the early afternoon on Monday dressed only in ankle-length black socks, talking on a mobile phone, security camera footage posted on a news website showed.
Police officers soon found the man who explained he had just popped across town to another pub to get some cash. He was allowed to complete his quest and eventually settled the bill, got his clothes back and put them on.
City police said they handed the case over to state police for further investigation.(Reuters)
bottoms up:片語,指杯底朝天、乾杯。例句:Bottoms up, everyone! The drinks are on him.(每個人都乾杯!這酒他請。)
collateral:名詞,指擔保物、旁系親屬;形容詞,指並行的、附屬的、旁系的。例句:To minimize collateral damage, maximum precision in bombing is required.(為了減少波及,轟炸盡可能準確是必要的。)
quest:名詞,指尋找、探求、審問、驗屍;動詞,指探索、追求、狗到處找。例句:She dried up in quest of an answer.(她苦心竭力找尋答案。)
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