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    《中英對照讀新聞》At heavily fortified DMZ, South Korean troops swap boots for ballet shoes 在重兵防守的「非軍事區」,南韓士兵脫下軍靴,換穿芭蕾舞鞋

    2016/07/31 06:00


    Once a week, a group of South Korean soldiers near the Demilitarised Zone(DMZ)that divides the Korean peninsula trade army boots for ballet shoes in a class intended to ease the stress of guarding the world’s most heavily fortified border.


    "There’s a lot of tension here since we live in the unit on the front line, which makes me feel insecure at times," said Kim Joo-hyeok, a 23-year-old sergeant doing his nearly two years of military service that is mandatory for South Korean men. "But through ballet, I am able to stay calm and find balance as well as build friendships with my fellow soldiers," said Kim.


    Wearing shorts and T-shirts along with their dancing slippers, members of the army’s 25th Division are taught each week by a ballerina from the Korean National Ballet under a programme that began last year and has already included a performance of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.


    "Being in the army itself can be difficult, so I wasn’t sure what kind of help I can be here," said Lee Hyang-jo, a ballerina at the Korean National Ballet who visits the base once a week to train the soldiers.


    "But as the soldiers learn ballet little by little, they laugh more and have a great time and seeing that makes me think that coming here is worthwhile," she said.



    fortify:動詞,構築防禦工事、增(加)強。I’ll need a cup of hot chocolate to fortify me against the storm.(我需要一杯熱巧克力,好讓我撐過暴風雨。)

    trade:動詞,交換(易)。I’ll trade you our shortstop for your catcher and two additional promising ball players.(我將用本隊的游擊手來交換你們陣中的一名捕手和另外兩名潛力新秀。)

    mandatory:形容詞,強制的、義務的、委託的。Attending the meeting is mandatory.(按規定務必出席這場會議。)

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