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《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korean couple to appeal court rejection of same-sex marriage 南韓法院駁回同性婚姻合法地位,同性伴侶將上訴

2016/06/05 06:00


The first South Korean gay couple to seek legal status for their same-sex marriage said Thursday they would appeal a court decision rejecting their claim and urged other couples to join their struggle.


Movie director Kim Jho Gwang-Soo and his long-time partner Kim Seung-Hwan, held a wedding ceremony in Seoul in September 2013 and submitted their marriage registration form to their local authority - only for it to be rejected. The couple challenged the decision with a lawsuit filed in July last year, but a Seoul district court ruled Wednesday that there was no legal basis for challenging the authorities decision.


"I don’t know why we have to be pushed to the side just because we are the same sex," a tearful Kim Jho Gwang-Soo said at a press briefing the next day, during which he urged the judiciary to "end this history" of discrimination. The couple’s lawyer Ryu Min-Hee said an appeal would be filed later Thursday and added two more same-sex couples would file separate suits seeking the same legal status for their marriages.


While homosexuality is not illegal in South Korea, same-sex marriage is not recognised and the country remains deeply conservative about matters of sexual identity. But Kim Seung-Hwan noted that some progress had been made since the two got married and he encouraged more gay couples to take a stand.



appeal:動詞,上訴。例句:He appealed his case to a higher court.(他向高等法院上訴。)

be pushed to the side:動詞片語,被忽視。例句:However, a little-discussed barrier regarding food safety-which likely had a big effect on its sales-was pushed to the side.(然而,幾乎沒有人討論食安相關問題造成的阻礙,這個被忽視的因素很可能會對其銷售量產生重大影響。)

take a stand:動詞片語,採取某種立場、表明態度。例句:Many politicians fail to take a stand on equal rights for women.(諸多政治人物未能在女性平權議題上表態。)

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