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《中英對照讀新聞》An awful boss could be as bad for your health as cigarettes 壞老闆對健康的危害,可能和香菸一樣



2015/12/17 06:00


Could your terrible boss be as damaging for your health as passive smoking? The long term health effects of a nasty boss could be just as dire, according to a story from LinkedIn published by Quartz. The longer you stay in a job working for a terrible manager, the bigger the toll on your physical and mental health.


The American Psychological Association reports that 75% of US workers cite their boss as the biggest cause of stress at work but the majority (59%) of workers with a poor manager don’t leave, reported Quartz. It seems people get very comfortable with their jobs, even if being treated badly which makes it more difficult to leave and find a healthier workplace.


Researchers from Harvard Business School and Stanford University, in the US, compiled data from over 200 studies and found that common work stresses can have the same negative health effects on staff as exposure to substantial amounts of second-hand smoke.


Top of the list of work stresses, losing your job, makes you 50% more likely to experience poor health, reported Quartz. An overly demanding role makes you 35% more likely to have a physician-diagnosed illness.



nasty:形容詞,討厭的。例句:She has a nasty habit of picking on people in meetings.(她有個壞習慣,就是在會議上挑剔別人。)

dire:形容詞,很壞的。例句:I thought that film was dire!(我覺得那部電影爛透了!)

demanding:形容詞,耗費精神的。例句:She’s a very demanding child.(她是個非常讓人吃力的孩子。)

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