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《中英對照讀新聞》Millions displaced by natural disasters last year 去年數百萬人因天災而流離失所

2011/07/02 06:00


About 42 million people were forced to flee their homes because of natural disasters around the world in 2010, more than double the number during the previous year, experts said Monday.


One reason for the increase in the figure could be climate change, and the international community should be doing more to contain it, the experts said.


The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre said the increase from 17 million displaced people in 2009 was mainly due to the impact of "mega-disasters’’ such as the massive floods in China and Pakistan and the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti.


It said more than 90 percent of the disaster displacements were caused by weather-related hazards such as floods and storms that were probably impacted by global warming, but it couldn’t say to what extent.


The number of people displaced last year _ about 42 million _ is roughly the size of Argentina’s entire population, and the onslaught of natural disasters so far this year also has been grim.


The March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan left more than 10,000 people dead, some 17,500 missing and about a half-million homeless. In the United States, tornadoes have wreaked havoc from Alabama to Massachusetts, while floods have inundated states from Montana to Louisiana.

3月11日,日本發生大地震與海嘯,造成1萬多人死亡、約1萬7500人失蹤,約50萬人無家可歸。 在美國,龍捲風從阿拉巴馬州肆虐到麻薩諸塞州,而洪水則從蒙大拿州一直淹到路易斯安那州。


contain:動詞,控制,遏制。例句:She could not contain her laughter. (她無法控制自己不笑出聲音來。)

onslaught:名詞,猛攻,襲擊。例句:The onslaught of the typhoon this time brought a staggering amount of rainfall.(這次颱風來襲,夾帶的雨水驚人。)

havoc:指天災人禍帶來的「嚴重破壞」。wreak havoc是很常見的英語配搭詞,用法如:wreak havoc on the economy(嚴重破壞經濟)。wreak一般解作「造成」、「施以」,不過所造成的都是破壞、影響等不好的事物。

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