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根據「電腦網路內容分級處理辦法」修正條文第六條第三款規定,已於網站首頁或各該限制級網頁,依台灣網站分級推廣基金會規定作標示。 台灣網站分級推廣基金會(TICRF)網站:http://www.ticrf.org.tw

《中英對照讀新聞》 Brazilian judge rules TV "essential" 巴西法官裁決電視是「必需品」

2009/02/10 06:00


A Brazilian judge awarded $2,600 in damages to a man who sued a store for not replacing his faulty television set, ruling that it was an "essential good" needed to watch soccer and a popular reality TV show.


The customer took Casas Bahia, Brazil’s largest furniture and home appliances retail chain, to court for "moral damages" inflicted by not being able to watch television.


"In modern life, you cannot deny that a television set, present in almost all homes, is considered an essential good," ruled the judge from Campos, a town north of Rio de Janeiro.


"Without it, how can the owner watch the beautiful women on ’Big Brother,’ the national news broadcast or a football game," the judge quipped.


Brazilians are passionate soccer fans and are currently following the ninth season of the local version of the popular reality TV show "Big Brother."



award:動詞,授予、判給。例句:The judge awarded the plaintiff damages of 1000 dollars. (這名法官判給原告損害賠償金1000元。)

take ~ to court:片語,對某人提出告訴。例句:She threatened to take him to court if he still refused to pay the rent.(她揚言如果他仍拒絕繳租金,就要提出告訴。)

quip:動詞,說俏皮話、挖苦話,亦可當名詞用。例句:"Good luck with your job interview," quipped his wife.(他的妻子語帶挖苦地說,「祝你求職面試順利」。)

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