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根據「電腦網路內容分級處理辦法」修正條文第六條第三款規定,已於網站首頁或各該限制級網頁,依台灣網站分級推廣基金會規定作標示。 台灣網站分級推廣基金會(TICRF)網站:http://www.ticrf.org.tw

《中英對照讀新聞》U.S. weather watchers turn to furry forecasters 美國氣象觀察者轉向動物預測專家求助

2007/11/05 06:00


With confidence in private weather forecasters slipping in the wake of some prediction gaffes during the past couple of years, perhaps woolly worms can take up the slack.


For instance, predictions for a severe winter didn’t pan out the last time around, nor did projections for a brutal 2006 hurricane season.


So some analysts are eyeing this year’s predictions with a bit more scepticism than usual. Natural gas broker Jay Levine said he takes any weather prediction with a grain of salt, whether it comes from a meteorologist or a woolly worm. "People will believe what they want to believe," he said.


Some energy traders look instead to woolly worms, small fuzzy caterpillars that are the larva of the Isabella tiger moth, as predictors of winter weather.


According to Roy Krege, the coordinator of the annual Woolly Worm Festival held in North Carolina, a woolly worm can tell the winter with 87 percent accuracy. As a rule, the blacker the caterpillar, the harsher the winter," said Krege.

根據在北卡羅萊納州舉行的毛毛蟲節策畫人克瑞格表示,毛毛蟲對冬季氣候的預測正確率高達87% 。「一般而言,毛毛蟲的顏色愈深,冬季氣候就愈嚴寒,」克瑞格說。


take/pick up the slack:片語,指接手他人做到一半的事、完成或補足未完成的部份,如New sources of oil will take up the slack resulting from the embargo.(新油源將補足石油禁運所造成的油源空缺。)

pan out:動詞片語,指事情的發展,尤指結果成功,如We’ll have to see how things pan out.(我們得靜候情勢發展是否成功。)

take sth with a grain/pinch of salt:片語,指對某人或某事持謹慎保留態度、不完全相信。如It’s interesting to read the reports in the newspapers, but I tend to take them with a grain of salt.(報上的報導讀來很有趣,但我傾向對其持保留態度。)

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