中英對照讀新聞》A colorful vase sold at Goodwill for $3.99 was sold for $107,100 在Goodwill二手店以3.99美元售出的彩色花瓶 以10萬7100美元出售

Jessica Vincent had just started surveying the shelves of a Virginia thrift store when a vase caught her eye. It was shaped like a bottle and had ribbons of color, aqua green and amethyst purple, that spiraled up its glass surface like stripes of paint.
The piece looked old amongst the clutter of measuring cups, candles and other tchotchkes. After adjusting her eyes, Vincent made out the words "Murano" and "Italia" on its base.
"I bought it thinking it would look beautiful in my house somewhere," said Vincent, 43, a horse trainer who paid $3.99 at a Goodwill. Her thinking changed after some research.
The vase was produced by the renowned glass company Venini and designed by Italian architect Carlo Scarpa, who died in 1978. One response on Facebook gave her chills: “Those are very rare. Every collector would love to have that. But most people cannot afford them.”
In the end, the vase sold through the Wright Auction House for $107,100.(AP)
clutter:名詞,凌亂、雜亂。例句:I’m so sorry for leaving the room in a clutter.(我很抱歉把房間弄得亂七八糟。)
tchotchke:名詞,小玩意兒。例句:There are pleny of toy models and other tchotchkes in the warehouse.(倉庫裡有很多玩具模型和其他小玩意兒。)