烏國俄羅斯志願軍響應參加瓦格納「政變」 白俄志願軍也要起義

時常分享中東歐新聞的推特帳號「維謝格拉德24」(Visegrád 24)在推特分享了一段影片,內容為俄羅斯志願軍宣布加入政變陣營。影片中的人物表示:「我們呼籲所有RDK的支持者採取積極行動,我們有一個獨一無二的機會來決定我們自身還有我們祖國的命運。」
另外,「維謝格拉德24」也轉發了一則新聞,稱由白俄羅斯人士組成,編制上屬於烏克蘭武裝部隊的卡利諾夫斯基團(Kalinowski Regiment)今(24)日宣布,將在台灣時間晚間10點向白俄人民發表起義宣言,目標在於推翻當今由盧卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)領導的白俄羅斯政府,誓言讓傳統的「白紅白旗」回歸白俄羅斯。
卡利諾夫斯基團是由白俄羅斯人志願者組成的單位,隸屬於烏克蘭領土防衛國際軍團。命名來由為白俄羅斯民族主義者卡斯圖斯·卡利諾夫斯基(Konstanty Kalinowski)。
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) June 24, 2023
The Russian Volunteer Corps released a video announcing that they are joining the coup.
"We call on all supporters of the RDK to take active action. We all have a unique chance to determine our fate and the fate of our Motherland."
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) June 24, 2023
The Kalinouski Regiment, made up of Belarusian volunteer soldiers fighting against the Russian Army in Ukraine, will make a public announcement to the Belarusian people at 5 pm today.
The traditional white-red-white flag will soon return to Belarus.
Free Belarus! pic.twitter.com/ICQ0CiAFFe
❗️The Kalinowski Regiment will appeal to the Belarusian people at 17.00❗️https://t.co/26VivtY2MDhttps://t.co/4ZZ8lRvFKt
— Kastus Kalinouski Regiment (@belwarriors) June 24, 2023
