《TAIPEI TIMES》Misrecorded vote due to human error, Han says

Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu, right, speaks to legislative staff during a plenary session at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times
By Lin Wen-hsin and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer
A staffer’s error led to an absent legislator being counted in a vote on Friday, Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) said yesterday, adding that the vote would be retaken.
Members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have said that the vote on whether the Legislative Yuan should debate KMT-proposed amendments to the pension reform plan was “rigged,” after KMT Legislator Sasuyu Ruljuwan (盧縣一), who had not signed in and confirmed that he was in China that day, had been listed as participating in the first round of voting.
A Conference Department staffer had thought that Ruljuwan was present at the vote and used his ballot instead of that of the legislator who was present, Han said.
The voting result would be annulled due to human error and that another vote would be held, he said.
An investigation showed that no other lawmaker had logged attendance in Ruljuwan’s stead, and the alleged “vote-rigging” was a non-issue, he added.
Conference Department staffers are not to distribute vote ballots to legislators unless they have logged attendance and can be proven to be present, Han said.