《中英對照讀新聞》U.N. panel on women’s rights urges Japan to drop same-name rule 聯合國婦權委員會呼籲日本終止同姓規定
The United Nations panel on women’s rights called on Japan to abolish a Civil Code article that prohibits married couples from maintaining separate surnames on March 7.
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) also highlighted other legal obstacles in the way of achieving equal rights for women in the country.
CEDAW said it "regrets that its previous recommendations (in 2009) regarding existing discriminatory provisions have not been addressed," citing the Supreme Court ruling in December 2015 that upheld the constitutionality of a Civil Code article that requires married couples to use the same surname.
The article "in practice often compels women to adopt their husbands’ surnames," the CEDAW recommendation said.
It also called for Japan to adopt legal provisions that prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace and ensure women’ access to justice in cases of discrimination in employment, including on the grounds of pregnancy and motherhood.
drop:動詞,放棄,中斷,停止。例句:I am not doing well in my English Literature class and planning to drop it.(我的英國文學課成績不太好,打算退選不修了。)
prohibit from:慣用語,禁止。例句:My parents prohibit me from going out with friends after 10 pm.(我爸媽不准我晚上10點後跟朋友出去。)
on the ground of:慣用語,以…為理由。
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