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《中英對照讀新聞》Iranian women call on Western tourists to violate hijab law 伊朗婦女要求西方觀光客無視頭巾法律

2016/04/26 06:00



It is illegal for women in Iran to go out in public without wearing headscarf in the country, where thousands of undercover agents and "morality police" patrol the streets to check for violations. Women found to have their hair or bodies inadequately covered can be publicly admonished, fined or arrested.


However, thousands of Iranian women have been risking punishment by taking off their hijabs (headscarves) in public and snapping photos. The campaigner, Masih Alinejad , is urging Western tourists to join the fight against compulsory dress codes.


Alinejad said she had received emails from female tourists from the UK, Sweden, Belgium, and other nations complaining they had felt uncomfortable being forced to wear the hijab on their holidays. "I thought it would be easy to wear the headscarf but after two weeks, my opinion really changed." a Belgian woman wrote.

阿琳娜嘉德表示,她收到來自英國、瑞典、比利時和其他國家女性觀光客的電子郵件,抱怨她們在放假時被迫戴上頭巾,感覺很不舒服。 一名比利時女子寫道:「我以為穿戴頭巾很輕鬆,但不過兩週,我的想法就變了。」

"Iran is a beautiful country but it’s not heaven for women." Alinejad said.



snap:動詞,猛撲,快拍照片。例句:I snapped you sunbathing on the beach.(我快拍了一張你在海灘日光浴的照片。)

dress codes:名詞,服裝規定,著裝要求。例句:The company is changing it’s policy on the dress code.(公司正在改變其服裝規定。)

hijab:名詞,伊斯蘭頭巾。例如:A hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest, which is particularly worn by Muslim women.(伊斯蘭頭巾是一種蓋住頭和胸部的遮蔽物,為穆斯林女子獨有的穿戴。)

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