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《中英對照讀新聞》Over 10,000 migrant children missing: Europol 歐洲警政署:超過1萬名兒童移民失蹤

2016/02/03 06:00



Over 10,000 unaccompanied migrant children have disappeared in Europe, the EU police agency Europol said on Sunday, fearing many have been whisked away into sex trafficking rings or the slave trade.

超過1萬名無人伴行的兒童移民在歐洲失蹤,歐盟警察機關 「歐洲警政署」週日指出,當中許多兒童恐怕已迅速被帶入賣淫販運集團或奴隸交易業者。

Europol’s press office confirmed to AFP the figures that were published in British newspaper The Observer, adding that the numbers were for the last 18-24 months.


The agency’s chief of staff Brian Donald said the vulnerable children had disappeared from the system after registering with state authorities following their arrival in Europe.


"It’s not unreasonable to say that we’re looking at 10,000-plus children," Donald said, adding that 5,000 had disappeared in Italy alone.


Donald said there is evidence of a "criminal infrastructure" established over the last 18 months to exploit the migrant flow.


The Observer reported that Europol found evidence of links between smuggling rings bringing people into the EU and human trafficking gangs exploiting migrants for sex and slavery.


Over one million migrants and refugees, many fleeing the conflict in Syria, crossed into Europe last year. Europol estimates that 27 percent of them are children.



unaccompanied:形容詞,無陪伴的、無伴侶的、無伴奏的。例如:an unaccompanied song(無伴奏歌曲)。

trafficking:名詞,非法販運。例如:human trafficking(人口販運)。

exploit:動詞,開採、利用、剝削。例句:Many transnational chocolate companies are accused of exploiting child labors.(許多跨國巧克力公司被控剝削童工。)

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