《中英對照讀新聞》Unusual warming kills Gulf of Maine cod 不尋常的暖化殺死緬因州海灣的鱈魚
Unusual warming in the waters off the northeastern US has killed off vast numbers of Atlantic cod, further endangering a valuable and iconic fishery despite years of fishing restrictions, researchers said Thursday.
New England cod stocks are on the verge of collapse. The problem has been fueled by overfishing, and exacerbated by a stark warming trend in the Gulf of Maine that is unparalleled on Earth, researchers said in the journal Science.
From 2004 to 2013, the rate of warming in that area was almost a quarter degree Celsius.
"The Gulf of Maine had warmed faster than 99.9 percent of the global ocean over that period," said lead author Andrew Pershing, chief scientific officer of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, who studied records back through the 1900s for comparison.
The reasons for the spike include global warming and a shift in the Gulf Stream.
For fish, these warmer temperatures led to fewer offspring.
Even a series of restrictions on cod fishing put in place to try to save the population was too slow to keep up with the fast-rising temperatures. (AFP)
stark:形容詞,明顯的,突出的。例句:There is a stark difference between them.(他們之間有明顯差異。)
overfishing:名詞,過度捕撈。例句:Several species were nearly wiped out by overfishing.(因為過度捕撈,許多魚種已接近滅絕。)
spike:名詞,突然增加。例句:There’s been a spike in traffic since the new grocery store opened.(在這家新的雜貨店開張後,交通流量突然大增。)
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