《中英對照讀新聞》Jane Birkin and Hermes resolve differences over croc handbag 珍.柏金與愛馬仕解決鱷魚包歧見
Actress and singer Jane Birkin is now satisfied with how luxury group Hermes treats crocodiles and has dropped her request to have her name removed from its iconic handbags, the French company said on Friday.
Birkin said in July she had asked Hermes to rename its Birkin Croco bag until the firm adopted what she said were practices that meet international standards for the production of the bag.
Birkin had signed actor Joaquin Phoenix’s Mercy For Animals petition to "shed exotic skins from your wardrobe" in protest against the "millions of reptiles slaughtered each year and turned into shoes, handbags, belts and other accessories".
Her decision came after she saw a video released by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, narrated by Phoenix, showing how live reptiles were skinned or sawed open on farms that supplied luxury brands.
Birkin agreed to lend her name to the bag after sharing a flight with the charismatic Jean-Louis Dumas, late head of Hermes, in the 1980s.
The crocodile Birkin and the Kelly bag, named after actress Grace Kelly, are among the most sought-after luxury goods - even though the starting retail price is more than 20,000 euros - partly because shops routinely run out of them.
drop:動詞,丟棄、扔下、中止、除名、掉下。例:drop the lawsuit(撤回告訴)。
reptile:名詞,爬蟲類、卑鄙的人;亦可做形容詞,指爬行的、卑下的。例句:He called the mayor’s top aide a reptile.(他稱市長幕僚為一名卑鄙小人。)
run out of :片語,耗盡、用完、流出。例句:I am always running out of money before payday.(我總是在發薪日前把錢花光。)
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