《中英對照讀新聞》Police rescue Kentucky store owner from large python 警方從巨蟒身上救出肯塔基州商店老闆
The owner of a Kentucky reptile store had to be rescued by police after a 20-foot-long python weighing up to 125 pounds wrapped around him, authorities said.
Terry Wilkins was tangled up with the snake when two police officers arrived at the Captive Born Reptiles store in Newport, Kentucky, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, at around noon on Monday.
"When officers arrived on the scene, they located the victim who was totally unconscious with a large snake wrapped around his head and neck," according to a Newport police report.
The officers grabbed the snake by the head and unwrapped it from Wilkins, who was not breathing, the report said. He began to breathe as rescue squad workers arrived, it said.
Wilkins was treated at a Cincinnati hospital with nearly two dozen stitches to his arm where the snake bit him and went home later on Monday, according to a colleague, who declined to give his name.
According to the police report, a woman who was with Wilkins at the time told an investigator he was cleaning the snake’s glass cage when it clamped onto his arm.
Wilkins told her to fill a bleach bottle with hot water to help get the snake to release him, but she did not have enough water initially and when she returned from refilling the bottle, the snake had wrapped itself around Wilkins and began choking him, the report said.(Reuters)
tangle:名詞,指混亂狀態、纏結、海藻類;動詞,指糾結、爭論、亂成一團。例句:Her hair is all in a tangle.(她的頭髮亂成一團。)
locate:動詞,指找出、位於、定居。例句:I’m going to locate in Japan.(我將在日本定居。)
stitch:名詞,指針線、傷口縫線;動詞,指連結、縫繡、縫合裂口、來回移動。例句:He claims he was stitched up by others.(他聲稱自己遭人栽贓。)
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