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《中英對照讀新聞》National Zoo staff keeping cautious eye on panda twin cubs in U.S. 國家動物園員工小心照料在美國新生的雙胞胎貓熊

2015/09/08 06:00



National Zoo staff are keeping a close eye on giant panda Mei Xiang’s newborn twins, given the cubs’ fragile state just days after their birth, the zoo’s lead veterinarian said on Monday.


"The cubs are doing pretty well. These early days everything’s still touch and go, so we’re watching them closely but we’re very hopeful right now," Dr. Brandie Smith told CNN.


Mei Xiang, a star tourist draw, took staff by surprise on Saturday by giving birth to the twins about four-and-a-half hours apart after being artificially inseminated. Giant pandas are among the world’s most endangered species.


Smith said the new cubs are so tiny and fragile that problems could still arise, anything from a congenital defect to difficulties with the mother panda’s ability to care for the two new small babies, each still fur-less and about the size of a stick of butter.


Giant pandas, native to China, have a very low reproductive rate, especially in captivity. There are about 300 giant pandas in captivity and roughly 1,600 in the wild. (Reuters)



touch and go:片語,不確定的情況,且事情有可能變壞。例句:It was touch and go there for a while, but the patient survived.(情況一度不明朗,但病人挺過來了。)

inseminate:動詞,人工受精。例句:She was artificially inseminated in January.(她在1月接受人工受孕。)

congenital:形容詞,天生的,先天的。例如:a congenital defect(先天性缺陷)。

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