《中英對照讀新聞》Australia Islamic school bans running over virginity fears 澳洲伊斯蘭學校因擔心貞操禁止跑步
An Islamic college in Australia is under investigation after claims that its principal has banned girls from taking part in running competitions because they might "lose their virginity".
Victoria state Education Minister James Merlino said Thursday that if true, the claims made by a former teacher at Melbourne’s Al-Taqwa College "would be very concerning". "I have asked the schools regulator, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, to investigate," he said in a statement.
維多利亞省教育局長梅利諾週四表示,如果此事屬實,墨爾本 Al-Taqwa學院一名前教師的這番說詞,「非常令人擔心」。他在聲明中說:「我要求學校主管單位維多利亞註冊與入學資格局進行調查。」
The former teacher wrote to government ministers this week alleging "the principal (Omar Hallak) holds beliefs that if females run excessively, they may ’lose their virginity’", The Age newspaper said.
"The principal believes that there is scientific evidence to indicate that if girls injure themselves, such as break their leg while playing soccer, it could render them infertile."
Hallak denied the allegations late Thursday in a statement and said girls were "encouraged to participate in all activities", subject to parental consent.
virginity:名詞,貞操。例句:She lost her virginity at the age of sixteen to the boy next door.(她16歲時和鄰家男孩上了床,失去童貞。)
infertile:形容詞,不能生育的。例句:It has been estimated that one in eight couples is infertile.(據估計,每8對夫婦中就有1對不能生育。)
subject to:片語,取決於,視……而定。例句:We plan to go on Wednesday, subject to your approval.(如果你同意,我們打算週三走。)
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