《中英對照讀新聞》Spain, Portugal issue health alerts amid scorching temps 在灼熱氣溫中,西班牙、葡萄牙發佈健康警報
Spain and Portugal both issued weather alerts Monday, advising residents to take extra care as temperatures soared above 40 C in some southern areas.
The Iberian Peninsula was sweltering in a heat wave brought on by a mass of hot air flowing north from Africa to Europe in recent days, though recorded temperatures fell shy of the day’s forecast of a maximum 44 C . With the temperature in Cordoba hitting 41 degrees Celsius, Spanish authorities placed the southern city on alert due to ``extreme risks’’ from the heat. People across the southern half of Spain flocked to beaches, swimming pools and fountains.
In Portugal, a high of 37 C was recorded in the eastern city of Beja, while the capital, Lisbon, sweltered in 35 C heat. Portugal’s General Directorate for Health recommended staying out of the sun between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Iberia is forecast to start cooling down on Tuesday when the heat wave is due to move into northern Europe, including the United Kingdom.
Portuguese authorities also warned of a high risk of forest fires in wooded areas of central and northern Portugal.
Official statistics show that after an uncommonly dry winter and spring, almost 54 percent of the Portuguese mainland was enduring extreme or severe drought at the end of May. With little rainfall in June, that percentage is expected to rise.(AP)
flow from:動詞片語,源於某事物。例句:Many benefits will flow from this discovery. (這項發現將帶來許多好處。)
shy of:片語,比原先預期的數量少。例句:The ball stopped just a few inches shy of the hole.(這顆球在洞口前幾英寸就停下。)
stay out:動詞片語,避開。例句:Please try to stay out of trouble.(拜託,請遠離麻煩。)
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