《中英對照讀新聞》U.S. man rescued trying to walk from Detroit on frozen lake to Canada 試圖從底特律走冰湖到加拿大的美國男子獲救
A 25-year-old American man was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard after he tried to walk from Detroit to Canada across a frozen lake, officials said on Friday.
The man was found on Thursday on Lake St. Clair, which borders the United States and Canada, about 2.4 km from shore by a lookout assigned to the Coast Guard Cutter Neah Bay, a 140-foot ice-breaking tug, the Coast Guard said.
"He was suffering from hypothermia and disoriented," said Chief Petty Officer Lauren Jorgensen, a Coast Guard spokeswoman.
The man, who was not named, appeared to be carrying only personal goods and told those who rescued him he was trying to walk to Toronto, about 321 km from Detroit and 281 km from the eastern edge of the lake. He was taken to a hospital for care.
It was the first rescue of a person conducted by an ice-rescue team deployed from a Great Lakes cutter in more than four years, the Coast Guard said. (Reuters)
lookout:名詞,守望員、監視者,(口)該關心的事。例句:If they want to throw their money away, that is their lookout.(如果他們想亂花錢,那是他們自己的事。)
assign:動詞,派定、指定。例句:The company commander assigned him to stand guard.(連長指派他去站崗。)
hypothermia:名詞,失溫。例句:Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below 35°C.(核心體溫低於攝氏35度就是失溫。)
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