《中英對照讀新聞》Japanese family watching over grave of Briton for 143 years finally learns who is buried there看顧英人墓143年的日本家族終於知道死者身分
For 143 years, five generations of the Murai family have tended to the grave of a little-known British English teacher who died of smallpox a year after he arrived in Japan in 1870.
Late last year, the Murai family received a letter out of the blue from the British Embassy in Tokyo thanking them for more than a century of weeding and cleaning the grave of one Bernard George Littlewood.
Littlewood arrived in Japan two years after the Meiji government was inaugurated to teach English at Meirindo, a school established by the domain of Kanazawa, what is today’s Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures, but died the following year of smallpox in Kaga’s Daishoji district.
Domain officials set up a tombstone for him, which now stands at Kyuhoji temple in Kaga. Several months after Littlewood’s death, however, the system of feudal domains was abolished and replaced with prefectures. That shift left no one responsible for tending to the grave.
But ancestors of the Murais took up the job as the Murai family plot was located nearby. The practice has been kept up ever since.
watch over someone or something:慣用語,監看或照料某人或某事。
out of the blue:慣用語,突然,出乎意料。也可做out of a clear (blue) sky。例句:The invasion came out of a clear blue sky and caught everyone off guard.(入侵突如其來,所有人猝不及防。)
die of something:慣用語,死於…(多為傷勢或疾病)。例句:His father died of cancer.(他父親死於癌症。)
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