《中英對照讀新聞》Almost half French oppose publishing Mohammed cartoons: poll 民調:近半數法國人反對刊載穆罕默德漫畫
Almost half of French oppose publication of cartoons depicting Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, according to a poll Sunday, as global debate deepened free speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo killings.
The Ifop poll found 42 percent believe Mohammed cartoons seen as offensive by many Muslims should not be published. Fifty percent said they backed "limitations on free speech online and on social networks." However, 57 percent said opposition from Muslims should not prevent the cartoons being published.
The poll found overwhelming support-- 81 percent --for stripping French nationality from dual nationals who have committed an act of terrorism on French soil.
Sixty eight percent favoured banning French citizens from returning to the country if "they are suspected of having gone to fight in countries or regions controled by terrorist groups," such as Syria. The same percentage backed bans on people suspected of wanting to join jihadist movements from leaving France.
The poll was conducted last week in the wake of the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris, where Islamist gunmen killed 12 people, saying they were taking revenge for repeated publication by the magazine of Prophet Mohammed caricatures. (AFP)
in the wake of:跟隨…、在…之後。例如:hunger and disease in the wake of war(戰爭帶來的飢餓與疾病)。
depict:描畫、描繪。例句:The painter tried to depict the splendor of the sunset.(畫家試圖描繪日落的壯麗景象。)
take revenge:報復、復仇。例句:Man may destroy the balance of nature, but from time to time, nature takes a terrible revenge.(人類可以破壞自然的平衡,但自然會不時痛加報復。)
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