《中英對照讀新聞》Germany eyes energy investments in Pakistan, says Merkel 梅克爾:德國著眼巴基斯坦能源投資
Germany is looking to increase its investment in Pakistan’s energy sector, provided companies are reassured about the security situation, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday during a visit by Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Merkel said Germany’s KfW state development bank was already involved in projects in Pakistan including hydro power plants, but added that the security situation was sometimes a deterrent.
Pakistan has been beset by Islamic violence since it threw its support behind the U.S.-led campaign against militancy launched after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, while shelling along the border with arch-rival India recently has frayed already fragile ties between the two countries.
Sharif said German firms, some of them world leaders in renewable energy technology thanks to the country’s shift to green energy and away from nuclear power, were keen to invest.
Bilateral trade totalled about 1.9 billion euros last year with Pakistan selling mainly textiles, leather goods and basmati rice to Germany while Germany exports predominantly chemical products, machines and vehicles to Pakistan.
deterrent:名詞,威懾力量,嚇阻物,亦可作形容詞,同指威懾的、制止的。例句:Imprisonment was not sufficiently deterrent to the habitual offenders.(坐牢並不足以威嚇慣犯。)
beset:動詞,包圍,或指苦惱。例句:I was beset by doubts.(我疑慮不斷。)
bilateral:形容詞,雙邊的、對稱的。例如:bilateral agreement.(雙邊協議。)
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