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《中英對照讀新聞》Beijing mayor:Traffic and pollution still problems, but can be tackled for Olympics 北京市長:交通與污染仍是問題,但為了奧運可加以解決

2006/03/31 06:00

Beijing's increasingly clogged roads and polluted air are problems that the government will have to resolve in time for the 2008 Olympic Games, the mayor said, expressing confidence that the goals will be met.


"In Beijing, we have a salient traffic problem," Mayor Wang Qishan told a group of visiting American newspaper editors.


Government figures show that the capital added new vehicles at the rate of about 1,000 a day last year, giving the city a total of 2.6 million vehicles, which has resulted in severe congestion and a growing smog problem.


Additionally, Wang said, making drivers and pedestrians follow road rules are a tough task, especially when car-owners are coming up with increasingly sly ways of avoiding being caught.


Some make small changes to their license plates to deceive traffic cameras or use special reflective surfaces so that they are too shiny to be seen when photographed, he said.



the Olympics:名詞,奧運,同Olympic Games。例句:The Japanese city of Sapporo will not seek to host the Summer Olympics in 2016 on grounds of likely financial burden。(日本城市札榥基於可能的財務重擔,將不會爭取主辦2016年的夏季奧運。)

too…to…:太…以致無法…。例句:He was to nervous to answer the question correctly during his oral presentation.(他在口試時太過緊張,以致無法正確答覆。)

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