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《中英對照讀新聞》Dell set to launch public cloud service戴爾將推出公共雲端服務

2011/10/15 06:00


Dell will launch its first cloud infrastructure service later this year through a partnership with VMware, continuing its push to move beyond PCs and into higher-margin software and services.


The service will be based on VMware’s vCloud platform and delivered from Dell’s data center in Plano, Texas. Customers will be able to rent compute and storage capacity on a pay-as-you-go basis, or on longer-term contracts that include reserved or dedicated hardware.


Dell will also offer consulting services for companies to build private clouds in their own data centers, also using vCloud. And it will offer to build “hybrid” clouds using VMware’s Connector software, which links private and public cloud environments.


The moves will intensify Dell’s rivalry with IBM and Hewlett-Packard, which are also building public cloud services. And they will put Dell into competition with service providers such as Amazon Web Services, Verizon Business and Terremark -- some of whom are also its customers.

這些行動將深化戴爾與IBM及惠普的競爭態勢,這兩家公司也在打造公共雲端服務。它們還將讓戴爾成為亞馬遜網路服務、Verizon Business和Terremark等服務提供商的競爭對手——其中一些業者也是其客戶。


margin:名詞,(時間、金錢)富餘、利潤。例句:Derivatives can be a high-margin business。(金融衍生品可以是一項利潤很高的業務。)

pay as you go:在IT產業中,是指一種租賃方式,用戶只需預先繳付電腦硬體的部份成本,便可把完整功能的電腦帶回家,並獲得若干小時的使用權。當使用時間用盡後,用戶便需再購買使用時間,方可繼續使用電腦;用戶在付費購買了一定的使用時間後,便能成為電腦的擁有者。

hybrid:名詞,混合體、(動植物的)雜種。 hybrid car則指使用一種以上動力的車輛,如氣電混合車或油電混合車。

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