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《中英對照讀新聞》 Russia's Millionaire Fair 俄羅斯富豪博覽會

2005/10/02 06:00


From the fabulously wealthy to those of more modest means, Russians are flocking to Moscow's Millionaire's Fair, ogling jewels and jets at a festival of super-luxury goods.


With items ranging from euro 1 million (US$1.20 million), 23-carat diamond 「peace pens」 to helicopters and limousines, the five-day fair offers lavish consumer goods to the Russian capital, which last year had more billionaires than any other city in the world, according to Forbes magazine's Russian edition.


Among the other items for sale were a yellow Hummer, race horses and diamond rings the size of golf balls.


As guests wearing tuxedos and evening gowns strolled through the exhibit sipping champagne on the opening evening, Ksenia Sobchak, daughter of a former St. Petersburg mayor, ogled a yellow Hummer.


「This little car is not a bad one. I was eager to see her in reality because all of my friends has already ordered it by catalogue, but they have no idea what it looks like, 」 she said.



fabulously:副詞,難以置信地;驚人地。fabulously wealthy 就是「相當有錢」。

means:本文中指「財力」。a man of means 是「富有的人」。

ogle:動詞,向…拋媚眼;盯視。例句:He ogled all the pretty girls.(他色迷迷地看著所有漂亮的女孩)。

exhibit:名詞,展覽會。例句:I spent the afternoon at the space exhibit.(我花一下午的時間看太空展)。

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