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中英對照讀新聞》Stoneman Willie: Mummified man to be buried after 128 years on display in Pennsylvania 石頭人威利:被做成木乃伊的男人在賓夕法尼亞州展出128年後將下葬

2024/01/18 05:30



A mummified man, Known as Stoneman Willie, is going to receive a proper burial after being on display at a funeral home in Pennsylvania for 128 years.


The man died in a local jail in 1895, where he suffered from kidney failure after being arrested for pickpocketing.


He was accidentally mummified by an undertaker who was experimenting with new embalming techniques, according to the funeral Home.


Dressed in a suit with a bow tie, Stoneman Willie is displayed in a coffin with a red sash across his chest. His hair and teeth remain intact, and his skin has taken on a leathery appearance.


Having given a fake name at the time of his arrest, the man’s identity remained unknown for many years and local officials were unable to contact any relatives.


But using historical documents, Stoneman Willie’s real name has been identified and will be inscribed at the bottom of his tombstone.



pickpocket:名詞或動詞,扒手;扒竊。例句:I was pickpocketed at the party.(我在派對上被人扒竊了。)

sash:名詞,肩帶、腰帶、飾帶。例句:The champion received applause on the stage, with a golden sash across her chest.(冠軍站在台上接受喝采,胸前還掛著金色肩帶。)

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