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中英對照讀新聞》Alabama woman with rare double uterus gives birth to two children 擁有罕見雙子宮的阿拉巴馬州婦女產下2名小孩

2024/01/02 05:30



An Alabama woman with two uteri and two cervixes has given birth to two babies after carrying one of them in each uterus.


Kelsey Hatcher of Dora, about 45 kilometers northwest of Birmingham, gave birth to two girls on Wednesday and Thursday after a combined 20 hours of labor.


Hatcher was diagnosed with a double uterus when she was 17. The rare congenital condition occurs in 0.3% of women, according to a report published by the University of Alabama at Birmingham. There is an “estimated one-in-a-million chance” of carrying a baby in both uteri, also known as a dicavitary pregnancy, the report says.


The older child, Roxi, was born on Wednesday, and Rebel arrived on Thursday. Hatcher said that both she and the newborns are healthy. Her husband, Caleb, was with her in the hospital,.



diagnose:動詞,診斷。例句:She was diagnosed with having diabetes.(她被診斷出患有糖尿病。)

congenital:形容詞,天生的、先天的。例句:A congenital disease or condiction exists at or from birth.(先天性疾病或症狀,是在出生時或出生後就存在的。)

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