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中英對照讀新聞》China authorities arrest 2 for smashing shortcut through Great Wall with excavator中國當局逮捕用挖土機砸出長城捷徑的2人

2023/09/30 05:30



China’s Great Wall has been pierced by Genghis Khan, the Manchus, and now, allegedly, a couple of construction workers named Zheng and Wang who wanted a shortcut.


Authorities in China arrested two people for smashing a path through a section of the ancient wall, a cultural icon and United Nations protected heritage site.


The area of the breach was a broken-down section far from the restored segments most Chinese and foreign tourists are familiar with.


The government of Youyu County, hundreds of kilometers west of Beijing showed a dirt road cut through a section of the wall against a rural landscape, along with the two suspects, identified as a 38-year-old man surnamed Zheng and a 55-year-old woman surnamed Wang. (AP)



smash:動詞,指粉碎、打破、擊潰、猛撞;名詞:指破碎、猛撞、失敗、破產。例句:We’re afraid the company is heading for a smash.(恐怕這家公司就要破產了。)

pierce:動詞,指刺穿、聲光透入。例句:A few rays of sunlight pierced through the clouds.(幾縷陽光穿透了雲層。)

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