中英對照讀新聞》Vladimir Putin signs law banning gender changes in Russia普廷簽署法律禁在俄進行變性手術
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed new legislation Monday which marked the final step in outlawing gender-affirming procedures, a crippling blow to Russia’s already embattled LGBTQ+ community.
The bill, which was approved unanimously by both houses of parliament, bans any “medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person,” as well as changing one’s gender in official documents and public records. The only exception will be medical intervention to treat congenital anomalies
It also annuls marriages in which one person has “changed gender” and bars transgender people from becoming foster or adoptive parents.
The ban is said to stem from the Kremlin’s crusade to protect what it views as the country’s “traditional values.” Lawmakers say the legislation is to safeguard Russia against “Western anti-family ideology,” with some describing gender transitioning as “pure satanism.” (AP)
congenital:形容詞,(疾病等)天生的、先天的。例句:The congenital form is spread to the fetus through the bloodstream.(先天的形式是透過血液傳播給胎兒。)
crusade:聖戰、運動。例句:She has deeply involved with the anti-nuclear power crusade for ten years.(她深入參與反核能運動已有10年之久。)
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