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中英對照讀新聞》Neymar ’already knew’ Messi was Miami-bound 內馬爾「早就知道」梅西要去邁阿密

2023/07/12 05:30



Brazilian striker Neymar revealed Friday he was in on the secret that Lionel Messi was leaving Paris Saint-Germain for Inter Miami before it was officially announced.


"I already knew it!" exclaimed the Brazilian, laughing, in response to a question about his reaction to the announcement of the departure of his Argentine teammate for Florida.


Neymar was in Miami on vacation. "I knew he would come here, we had already talked about it. I told him he would be happy in Miami", said Neymar.


Neymar said he was confident that Messi will help Major League Soccer reach new heights. (AFP)



bound:副詞、後綴詞,前往某處,受限於某地或處境。例句:The northbound lanes are shut down due to a car crash.(北向車道因為車禍已經封閉。)

(let sb.) in on a secret:片語,(讓某人)知道祕密。例句:You should let him in on the secret(你應該向他透露這個祕密。)

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