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中英對照讀新聞》Why Chinese students are taking graduation photos looking ‘more dead than alive’ 中國學生為何拍攝看似「生不如死」的畢業照

2023/06/30 05:30



One photo shows the young woman sprawled facedown on the ground in a graduation gown, her tasseled cap discarded to the side. Others show her slumped over a chair, collapsed against a wall, and hanging listlessly over a staircase banister.


In recent weeks, Chinese social media has become awash with tongue-in-cheek images like these, posted by fresh graduates who have chosen to eschew the typical polished portraits in favor of shots they say offer a truer reflection of the tough reality they face.


A record 11.6 million Chinese college students are expected to enter the job market this summer, but their prospects look bleak. Urban youth unemployment is at record levels, reaching 20.8% in May, and an influx of new job seekers will only increase the competition.



awash (with):片語,被⋯淹沒的;充斥的。例句:The city has been awash with guns and drugs for decades.(該市充斥槍枝與毒品有數十年之久。)


in favor of:片語,有利於、支持、贊同。例句:The parliament voted in favor of budget cuts.(國會表決贊成刪減預算。)

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