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中英對照讀新聞》Putin tells Russian defence industry to up its game for Ukraine war 普廷告訴俄羅斯國防產業 為烏克蘭戰爭加把勁

2023/02/08 05:30



President Vladimir Putin on Friday told Russia’s defence industry chiefs to up their game to ensure that the Russian army quickly got all the weapons, equipment and military hardware it needed to fight in Ukraine.


"The most important key task of our military-industrial complex is to provide our units and frontline forces with everything they need in the shortest possible timeframes," said Putin.


"It’s also important to perfect and significantly improve the technical characteristics of weapons and equipment for our fighters based on the combat experience we have gained." (Reuters)



up one’s game:片語,更努力做某事(提高品質或表現得更好)。例句:I need to up my game if I want to get this job.(如果我想要得到這份工作,就需要表現得更好。)

task:名詞,任務,苦差事;動詞,派任務。例句:The new management team has been tasked with restructuring the company. (新的管理團隊被賦予重整公司組織的任務。)

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