中英對照讀新聞》Ke Huy Quan thanks Spielberg in his Golden Globes acceptance speech關繼威在金球獎得獎感言中感謝史匹柏
Ke Huy Quan cheered Steven Spielberg and harkened back to his days as an ’80s child actor in a moving Golden Globes acceptance speech.
Quan won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor in a motion picture for his winning turn in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” as Waymond, the devoted and daffy partner of Michelle Yeoh’s Evelyn.
But he cut his teeth in Hollywood under the tutelage of Spielberg, who cast him in the 1984 blockbuster “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.”
“I was raised to never forget where I came from and to always remember who gave me my first opportunity,” Quan told audience. “I am so happy to see Steven Spielberg here tonight – Steven, thank you!” (Spielberg, beaming, blew Quan a kiss from his seat.)
to cut one’s teeth:慣用語,初次嘗試做某事,首度歷練,初試啼聲。例句:He cut his teeth as an assistant before he became a congressman.(他先歷練助理才出任議員。)
harken back to something:慣用語,反覆提起(過去的事),重提(往事)。例句:The old couple always harkened back to those good old days of their youth.(那對老夫妻總是重提他們年輕時的美好舊時光。)
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