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中英對照讀新聞》Nice try but no potato for New Zealand couple’s giant find 值得嘉許,但紐西蘭夫婦發現的巨大物體不是馬鈴薯

2022/07/28 05:30



A New Zealand couple who believed they had dug up the world’s largest potato in the garden of their small farm near Hamilton have had their dreams turned to mash after Guinness World Records wrote to say that scientific testing had found it wasn’t, in fact, a potato after all.


Colin Craig-Brown, who first hit the tuber of a gourd with a hoe last August when gardening with his wife Donna, said it sure looked and tasted like a potato.


After months of submitting photos and paperwork, the couple got the bad news from Guinness in an email.


"Dear Colin," the email begins, going on to say "sadly the specimen is not a potato and is in fact the tuber of a type of gourd. For this reason we do unfortunately have to disqualify the application."(AP)



mash:動詞或名詞,搗爛;糊狀物。例句:There is only mashed potato in the fridge.(冰箱裡只剩馬鈴薯泥。)

hoe:名詞,鋤頭。例句:The farmer used a hoe to dig a hole.(農夫用鋤頭挖了一個洞。)

specimen:名詞,樣本、標本。例句:He is fond of collecting butterfly specimens.(他喜愛蒐集蝴蝶標本。)

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